Let’s Zoom in for a fun session. We are going back to basics, playing, chopping and tossing our food seasonal harvest around.
Topic: Flavour Forest -Cooking Demonstration
Time: Feb 18, 2021 10:00 AM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
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The Flavour Forest is a "slow movement" inspired, plot to pot project that takes individuals, families and communities on an interactive-digital journey across the cycles, rhythms and flavours of nature. Participants will be invited to "zoom-in" or Facebook live-stream, roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty. From the backyard to the kitchen, The Food Affectionist will explore topics as diverse as seasonal propagation, backyard farming, zero waste and in between, serve up some homegrown dishes to nourish our hearts and soothe our bellies.
In 2020, we saw the world changed in front of our eyes, and nobody can answer when things will return to what they were. The Food Affectionist provides the circuit breaker to the prevailing mood. It harnesses the community's power and inspires us to step in, step up, and step out into a very positive. "new normal".
This on-line culinary adventure aims to up-skill a movement of local wellness warriors, getting us back to nature, back to our senses and back to each other. The Food Affectionist is a timely response to a rapidly changing world and in some ways, a world in a slow down. It seeks to meet existing challenges by turning setbacks into opportunities. It invites new ideas and inspires cooperation and community connection in playful and dynamic ways. Participants will discover that food is a great adventure and flavour is the destination.
The Food Affectionist will deliver this project across Knox with the Mountain District Learning Centre .
The Flavour Forest project has been supported by a grant from the Knox City Council Business Support Grants.